Monday, August 27, 2012

Romney's Birth Certificate

Come to think of it, why haven't we clamored to see Mitt Romney's birth certificate?  He hasn't proven his citizenship any more than Obama did (before revealing his).

In this clip, Romney is outright confirming that the whole birth certificate farce was nothing more than good old-fashioned racism.  Here, you have two politicians who have shown the country the exact same level of proof that they're citizens (again, prior to Obama's big BC-reveal).  Yet only one has been pestered to show his papers.  The reason?  Because Romney has shown one piece of "proof" that Obama hasn't: white skin.  That's the only difference in their citizenship indicators, and I'm supposed to believe that racism has nothing to do with it?

The fact that this comedy of errors continues even after Obama showed us his birth certificate is just further proof that this is nothing more than hood-wearing, cross-burning, sister-fucking racism.  We're taking white skin as more reliable proof than a literal full-form birth certificate.  And Romney's response?  Validation.  Gloating.  In this video, he's admitting to being every bit as racist as every other birther.  Is this something that we, in fucking 2012, really want in a President?

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