Everyone knows someone who plans to vote Republican but claims not to be one of those pathetic homophobes or woman-haters, and they're not some crazy religious nut either. They're simply voting Republican based on fiscal policy, they say.
Setting aside how downright terrible fiscal conservatism actually is (on both moral and practical grounds), this still doesn't qualify as a good excuse to vote Republican in this day and age. Even if you agree with their fiscal policies, it's still not a given that their shitty social policies can therefore be ignored.
Let's pretend, for a second, that we live in an alternative universe where "gays" and "women" aren't the two big social issues that half our country seems to be struggling with (as if the concept that "all people are people" is fucking rocket science). Let's also say that, in this universe, two US Senate candidates from my state are in the middle of their campaigns. One is a Democrat who shares all my wonderful, generous, latte-swilling liberal philosophies on economics. The other is a Republican with the typical Republican fiscal philosophy that the wealthy will totally bestow more jobs upon us if only we paupers would french kiss their assholes juuuuuusst a little bit more this time.
Seems like a no-brainer, right? Except it turns out that the Democrat happens to believe that Chinese people shouldn't be allowed to marry, that people with green eyes are witches, and that left-handed people are demons in disguise and must be burned at the stake. If that were the case, I wouldn't vote for him. I'd vote for the boss-worshipping Republican before I'd vote for that kind of crazy.
So why do we give "fiscal" conservatives a pass? Why are fiscal conservatives perfectly OK with voting for people who believe that rape is God's will (Mourdock), that rape babies are a "gift from God" (Santorum), that the earth is 6000 years old and fossils are a ruse put in place by the devil (too many to name), that gays are the spawn of Satan (also too many to name), that climate change is a hoax that has been pulled off more elaborately than any conspiracy in world history and yet has no motive beyond "scientists are big meanies who hate oil executives for no reason and want to be really, really mean to them" (again, too many to name), that women's vaginas can magically kill rapists' sperm (Akin), and that the USA (despite the FIRST FUCKING AMENDMENT) must be governed as a "Christian" nation (the entire fucking GOP)? How can they believe that it's responsible to put these people in power just because they share one or two opinions on fiscal policy?
Even if fiscal conservatism worked, its benefits would be counteracted by the mere presence of people in power with this level of stupidity and insanity. There's simply no excuse to vote GOP until after they're forced to clean house and get rid of the hateful, superstitious garbage-people that they've allowed to infiltrate their ranks.
When the GOP fully supports gay marriage and abortion, laughs out anyone who doesn't, shuts the fuck up about "wars on Christmas" and "ground zero mosques," demands a secular government, bans teaching "Intelligent Design" as a scientific theory in public schools, and demands equal pay for women, THEN fiscal conservatives can expect to be taken seriously as responsible voters.
They'd still be wrong, but at least they will have graduated from being downright idiotic.
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